
100 Best Workout Songs

Audrina Patridge's Workout consists of 4 moves for a sexy 6-pack: Cat Raise, Cross-Legged Lift, Compound Crunch, and Offset Bridge. Two or three times a week, do one set of 20 reps of each move in order without resting then repeat the entire routine once or twice.

Running Plans that you can stick to! Whether training for your first 5K or just trying to beat your own personal record, we have the training plan for you. If you ever start to doubt yourself, remember: You're stronger than you think! 26.2 miles might sound like an eternity, but your body can get to the point where running becomes second nature. So what are you waiting for? 
Lets Start with the basics..Here is the perfect 5 Week plan to prepare for your 5K!
Here is an awesome link to upcoming races in Birmingham, AL. BUT you can use this website to find races of any length in any state!


There is nothing quite like watching the sun rise

Old habits die hard. But they do die.


Ab Exercise Equipment

7 Diet Secrets of the Stars
The key is to find what is sustainable, but also yield results

One day...

Making Fitness Part of Your Life

Skinny Ms. Summer Arms Challenge

Oh yeah! I LOVE this program. You will too.

Tough but true!


How To Maintain Your Home Gym Routine

Weight Loss, It Maybe More Healthy Than You Think

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